Training for Universities & Justice Agencies

Training for Universities

The Sophie Lancaster Foundation works with Criminology, Sociology and Law faculties to raise awareness of hate crime, in particular hate crime against people from alternative subcultures.

Many people from different backgrounds and walks of life encounter hostility on the basis of their identity or perceived ‘difference’. The Sophie Lancaster Foundation seeks to draw attention to less recognised forms of hate crime and its impacts upon those who continue to be scapegoated and demonised in an increasingly hostile climate.

The Foundation offers presentations and workshops that highlight and explore the bias, prejudice and intolerance that people face – frequently on a daily basis. Recent research undertaken by the Foundation shows that 73% of respondents who had suffered from alternative sub culture hate crime have never reported it to the police or any other agency. The experience of the alternative community mirrors the experience of other marginalised and demonised groups.

Through impactful presentations, we relate first-hand experience of victim impact and the workings of the justice system. Our work creates never forgotten learning experiences that stay with students and embed ideas and attitudes that inform future professional practice.

“I have never seen a reaction from students like that. I strongly believe this session will have an impact on the students for the rest of their lives”

Evaluation from group leader following Sophie Lancaster Foundation presentation.

Training for Justice Agencies

The Sophie Lancaster Foundation provides bespoke training nationally and internationally to police services and agencies working throughout the justice system. Our work uses Sophie’s story as a starting point to explore hate crime and its personal impact on victims, on families and on communities.

Sophie’s brutal murder changed the hate crime landscape in the UK. Despite being one of the most well-known and reviled examples of hate crime, hate crime against alternative subcultures remains outside of the five designated and monitored strands.

Our sessions give participants a greater understanding of alternative subcultures and how we form judgements about people who are different to ourselves. These judgements shape and influence entire lives and sadly all too often, can ignite into violence.

Sylvia Lancaster, Sophie’s Mum, fought tirelessly and passionately to educate about difference – with our response to difference frequently the root of bullying, prejudice and violence. It is our privilege to continue her work, to bring you inside the tragedy to share in our personal story and use it as a catalyst for change.

Our sessions are powerful, emotionally challenging and interactive. We can tailor the training to full or half days and can deliver to police cadets, community or hate crime officers, call handlers or entire forces. We also have extensive experience of working with Prison and Probation Services and Youth Offending Teams.

“Powerful, with a very strong message. Highly emotive.”

“It was very moving. Allowed us to see how hate crime can effect its victims and the families of victims.”

“Gives amazing insight into the impact of hate fuelled violance.”

Quotes from our Police training programme

Enquire today

Get in touch about training by filling out the form below. Alternatively, you can email us at

The Sophie Lancaster Foundation
87 Deardengate

01706 216969

Reg. Charity No. 1129689