Alternative Spotlight!

We often receive many awesome photos of our lovely supporters from all over the world, wearing our merchandise and wristbands. So, we thought it would be a great chance to show the world what an incredible, powerful and diverse community this is by highlighting a photograph each week 🖤😍 Now… we are really tempted, as a play on our Weirdo Mosher Freak range, to call it “Freak Of The Week”… do we have any objections (because we think it’s brilliant 😂)?

Anyway, send in your snaps! Let’s see those tees, hoodies, vests, hats, all of it 🙋🏻‍♀️ #wearesophie

By sending us a photo, you’re giving permission for us to share it on our social media platforms. Please send your photos to our Facebook page as a comment on the corresponding post.